With the summer we had, most of us are probably ecstatic that fall is officially here. With the transition to fall comes cooler temperatures and before we know it, we will be relying on our heating systems to keep our Lexington, SC homes warm and cozy this fall and winter. With all of the excitement that fall brings, we tend to overlook the importance of preparing our HVAC systems for the cool weather. Below we discuss some of our top tips in helping you prepare your heating system for the upcoming cooler weather.
Seal Any Leaks
Your home insulation is extremely important in not only keeping the warm air inside that your heating unit produces, but also in preventing the outside cold air from entering your Lexington, SC home. Proper insulation will help keep your home comfortable while also aiding in keeping your heating unit operating efficiently. Be sure to check your home, especially windows and doors, for any air leaks. If you notice any spots around the borders of your home that feel different, you may need to add in some more insulation.
Change Your Air Filters
The changing of the seasons is a great reminder to change out your air filters. A dirty air filter not only hurts your indoor air quality, it also restricts your HVAC systems airflow. This restriction forces your HVAC system to work harder than necessary to heat and cool your home. We suggest checking your air filters once a month and changing them out every 1-3 months for optimal comfort, efficiency, and indoor air quality.
Schedule Professional HVAC Maintenance
Finally, the best thing you can do for your heating and air conditioning system as a whole is to schedule regular HVAC system maintenance. During a maintenance appointment with Palmetto Air Conditioning, our technicians will thoroughly inspect your furnace/hating unit and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that your HVAC system is operating properly in order to heat your home effectively and efficiently this fall and winter.
To learn more about our professional heating and air conditioning services, check out our service page or give our Lexington, SC office a call today! We are always happy to help our customers with their heating and air conditioning service needs.