Everything You Need to Know About Split AC Units

As homeowners, maintaining a comfortable living environment is crucial, especially during sweltering summer months. After all, no one likes the feeling of being indoors when it’s too hot:

  • The air feels stuffy and humid.
  • You can’t fully relax.
  • You spend all your time dreaming of ice cubes and snowy days.

Thankfully, cooling your home has never been easier. Split AC units offer an efficient, flexible, and stylish solution that fits seamlessly into any home.

If you’ve ever wondered exactly what is a split AC unit, this blog post is for you. Here, we’ll guide you through the ins and outs of split AC units, shedding light on their benefits, components, applications, and how to acquire one for your home.

What is a Split AC Unit?

split AC unit mounted on brick exterior

A split AC unit is an air conditioning system composed of two main components: an indoor unit and an outdoor unit. Unlike traditional central air systems, split systems do not require ductwork, making them an excellent option for homes without existing ducts or for room-specific cooling and heating needs.

High-Level Overview

A split AC unit consists of an indoor air handler and an outdoor compressor. The indoor unit is typically mounted on a wall and delivers cooled or heated air directly into the room. The outdoor unit, usually placed on a concrete slab or mounted on an exterior wall, houses the compressor and condenser. These two units work together to regulate the temperature inside your home efficiently and quietly.

Benefits of Split AC Units for Homeowners

  • Energy Efficiency: Split AC units use less energy compared to central air systems, which can lead to lower utility bills.
  • Easy Installation: Since no ductwork is necessary, installation is straightforward and minimally invasive.
  • Quiet Operation: The noisy components are housed outdoors, leaving your indoor space peaceful and comfortable.

In addition to these benefits, split AC units offer a sleek and modern design, making them a stylish addition to any home.

Components of a Split AC Unit

Understanding the key components of a split system can help you appreciate its functionality and design.

Indoor Unit (Air Handler)

The indoor unit, or air handler, is responsible for distributing the conditioned air throughout the room. It contains the evaporator coil, blower, and air filter. The sleek design of the indoor unit allows it to blend effortlessly with your home decor while providing optimal performance.

This part of the system is connected to the outdoor unit through refrigerant lines, electrical wiring, and a drainage pipe.

Outdoor Unit (Compressor and Condenser)

The outdoor unit contains the compressor, condenser coil, and a fan. The compressor circulates the refrigerant between the indoor and outdoor units, while the condenser coil dissipates the heat extracted from the indoor air. This separation of components ensures efficient cooling and reduces indoor noise levels.

Without this unit, the split AC system cannot operate.


The thermostat serves as the control center for your split AC unit. It allows you to adjust the temperature, select different modes (cooling or heating), and set automatic timers. The location of the thermostat varies depending on the installation, but it is usually placed in a convenient and accessible spot for easy operation.

Refrigerant Lines

Copper tubing connects the indoor and outdoor units, carrying the refrigerant between the two. These lines are insulated to prevent energy loss and protect the system from external damage.

Electrical Wiring

Electrical wiring links the indoor and outdoor units, allowing them to communicate and function as a cohesive system. This wiring ensures synchronized operation, enhancing the unit’s overall efficiency and performance.

Uses of Split AC Units

Split AC units are versatile and can be used in various settings, providing tailored climate control solutions for different scenarios.

Home Additions and Renovations

Imagine you’re renovating your home and adding a new room. Instead of extending your existing ductwork, a split AC unit can efficiently cool and heat the new space. Its easy installation and zone-specific control make it an ideal solution for such projects.

Older Homes Without Ductwork

For older homes lacking ductwork, installing a central air system can be costly and invasive. Split AC units offer a non-intrusive alternative. For instance, consider an old Victorian house where preserving the architecture is essential. A split AC unit can provide modern comfort without compromising the home’s historical integrity.

3 Steps To Get a Split AC Unit

technician installing interior split AC unit

If you think a split AC unit could benefit your home, here are the steps to acquire one:

1. Research and Consultation

Start by researching different brands and models of split AC units. Look for reviews and ratings to gauge the reliability and performance of each option. Next, consult with HVAC professionals to assess your home’s cooling and heating needs. They can recommend the best unit for your specific requirements.

2. Purchase and Installation

Once you’ve chosen a suitable split AC unit, the next step is purchasing and installing it. Ensure you buy from a reputable dealer who offers a warranty and after-sales support. Professional installation is crucial to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the unit. Certified technicians will handle the installation, including mounting the indoor and outdoor units, connecting refrigerant lines, and setting up electrical wiring.

3. Maintenance and Upkeep

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your split AC unit running efficiently. Schedule annual check-ups with an HVAC service provider to inspect and clean the components. Replace air filters as needed and keep the outdoor unit free from debris to ensure smooth operation.

Upgrade Your Home Cooling System Today

Split AC units offer a flexible, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing solution for home air conditioning. With their easy installation, energy-saving capabilities, and quiet operation, they are an excellent choice for homeowners looking to enhance their living environment. Whether you’re renovating, adding a new room, or upgrading an older home, a split AC unit can provide the comfort and convenience you desire.

If you’re ready to explore the benefits of a split AC unit for your home, contact Palmetto Heating & Air today. Our team of experts can help you select the perfect system and ensure professional installation, so you can enjoy a comfortable home all year round.

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Palmetto Air Conditioning Company